Annual Report 2022-2023
Welcome to the 2022 and 2023 Meldel annual report! Apparently, I release these every two years now because of a general dread of the chore. So why submit myself to this torture? Three reasons. First, I need to have a better understanding of how I make and spend money as an independent designer. Spending time swimming in the business side of my business may not be fun, but financial review is a necessary part of successful self-employment. Second, I sincerely hope my trials, tribulations, successes, and failures are relatable and can help motivate others to take on freelancing. I have learned a lot of lessons about running a business the hard way and hope to share that knowledge. Third, I want to challenge the practice of gatekeeping and salary secrecy. It’s true that most of the folks proselytizing pay transparency are advocating for it in a corporate job setting. But for freelancers, the reasons are often the same—a data point that you can share with others to make sure you are in sync with your professional value. Wannabe freelancers can see what kind of income is realistic, and understand how many projects and clients it takes to get there. That said, my experience and method of freelancing is just one way to be. Last year I outlined four freelance styles based on myself and some close colleagues. Whatever path you’re on, it’s invaluable to share openly with others, to compare rates, and find what is just right for you.